この子供達の”存在”に対してあなたは何を思うのだろうか?その議論の行方により、今は”impossible baby”だが、近い未来 i’m possible baby になるかもしれない。
追記: 広く議論する為にドキュメンタリー番組にて2015年10月初旬に放送されました。 制作過程や「かぐや」の河野友宏農学博士、CiRAの八代嘉美准教授、指導教官のスプツニ子!、そして遺伝データ提供者で同性婚をしている牧村朝子、Morigaさんカップル等のインタビューも含まれている。
(Im)possible Baby is a speculative design project which aims to stimulate discussions about the social, cultural and ethical implications of emerging biotechnologies that could enable same-sex couples to have their own, genetically related children. Delivering a baby from same-sex parents is starting to not look like a sci-fi dream anymore – recent developments in genetics and stem cell research, such as the achievements of scientists from Cambridge University in England and Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science have made this dream much closer to reality. Jacob Hanna, the specialist leading the project’s Israeli arm, said it may be possible to use the technique to create a baby in just two years. “It has already caused interest from gay groups because of the possibility of making egg and sperm cells from parents of the same sex,” he said." Is creating a baby from same-sex parents the ethical thing to do? Who has the right to decide this, and how? This project aims to design and inspire debate about the bioethics of producing babies from same-sex couples. In this project, the DNA data of a lesbian couple was analyzed using 23andMe to simulate and visualize their potential children, and then we created a set of fictional, “what if" future family photos using this information to produce a hardcover album which was presented to the couple as a gift. To achieve more public outreach, we worked with the Japanese national television service, NHK, to create a 30-minute documentary film following the whole process, which aired in October 2015.
この子供達の”存在”に対してあなたは何を思うのだろうか?その議論の行方により、今は”impossible baby”だが、近い未来 i’m possible baby になるかもしれない。
追記: 広く議論する為にドキュメンタリー番組にて2015年10月初旬に放送されました。 制作過程や「かぐや」の河野友宏農学博士、CiRAの八代嘉美准教授、指導教官のスプツニ子!、そして遺伝データ提供者で同性婚をしている牧村朝子、Morigaさんカップル等のインタビューも含まれている。
(Im)possible Baby is a speculative design project which aims to stimulate discussions about the social, cultural and ethical implications of emerging biotechnologies that could enable same-sex couples to have their own, genetically related children. Delivering a baby from same-sex parents is starting to not look like a sci-fi dream anymore – recent developments in genetics and stem cell research, such as the achievements of scientists from Cambridge University in England and Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science have made this dream much closer to reality. Jacob Hanna, the specialist leading the project’s Israeli arm, said it may be possible to use the technique to create a baby in just two years. “It has already caused interest from gay groups because of the possibility of making egg and sperm cells from parents of the same sex,” he said." Is creating a baby from same-sex parents the ethical thing to do? Who has the right to decide this, and how? This project aims to design and inspire debate about the bioethics of producing babies from same-sex couples. In this project, the DNA data of a lesbian couple was analyzed using 23andMe to simulate and visualize their potential children, and then we created a set of fictional, “what if" future family photos using this information to produce a hardcover album which was presented to the couple as a gift. To achieve more public outreach, we worked with the Japanese national television service, NHK, to create a 30-minute documentary film following the whole process, which aired in October 2015.



ぽわ子の一部の一塩基多型(SNPs)情報。まめ子と違っているところを赤く表示している。 ミトコンドリアDNAはモリガさんから受け継いでいる。モリガさんの卵子に朝子さんから作られた精子が受精した想定。

娘達それぞれの虹彩について。そばかすの様な点、色、波模様の有無、中と外の色が違っているか、年輪のような溝の有無についてSNPs情報から反映した。 虹彩は生体認証としても使われるように、一人ずつ違うもので、一卵性双生児でも違うといわれている。それ故、この二人の実際の虹彩は実際に肉体を持って産まれて、育ってみないと判らないところがある。 虹彩についてのSNPsは以下の論文を参照した。
Since they have an asian parent Asako, their eye colour is probably brown. Mameko has Rs1533995 (G;G). This is means her iris has no crypt (complicated water shadow-like iris pattern ), and has a simple iris pattern like Asako. Powako has (A:G) therefore she has a crypt, which is the same as Moriga’s iris. Mameko and Powako’s SNPs ID rs3739070 are (A;A), which indicates a higher likelihood of having furrows, which is the same as both parents. Mameko has (T;T) for Rs4900109, which means no pigmentation ring (same as Asako) . Powako has (T:G), thus her eyes have two colors. Inner and outer colors are different, which is also the case for Moriga. All family members have (C;C) for rs11630290, which indicates that Iris nevi are melanin accumulations on the anterior border layer. In other words, they have freckle-like dots in the iris.
Since they have an asian parent Asako, their eye colour is probably brown. Mameko has Rs1533995 (G;G). This is means her iris has no crypt (complicated water shadow-like iris pattern ), and has a simple iris pattern like Asako. Powako has (A:G) therefore she has a crypt, which is the same as Moriga’s iris. Mameko and Powako’s SNPs ID rs3739070 are (A;A), which indicates a higher likelihood of having furrows, which is the same as both parents. Mameko has (T;T) for Rs4900109, which means no pigmentation ring (same as Asako) . Powako has (T:G), thus her eyes have two colors. Inner and outer colors are different, which is also the case for Moriga. All family members have (C;C) for rs11630290, which indicates that Iris nevi are melanin accumulations on the anterior border layer. In other words, they have freckle-like dots in the iris.

We made two SNPs files using the (im)possible baby simulator. We named the first generated file data as Mameko (which is a girl's name meaning "little bean" in Japan) and named the second generated file data as Powako(also a girl's name). This chapter shows how we visualized them. SNPedia and several online articles were the essential tools for constructing the facial portraits of the couple’s hypothetical daughters. Difficulties arose due to the fact that current genotype research is still fairly nascent. Since the project’s purpose is to inspire debate, not to create facial portraits with 100% accuracy with genetic markers, it must be said that the results resemble fortune-telling rather than science at this time of writing.
We made two SNPs files using the (im)possible baby simulator. We named the first generated file data as Mameko (which is a girl's name meaning "little bean" in Japan) and named the second generated file data as Powako(also a girl's name). This chapter shows how we visualized them. SNPedia and several online articles were the essential tools for constructing the facial portraits of the couple’s hypothetical daughters. Difficulties arose due to the fact that current genotype research is still fairly nascent. Since the project’s purpose is to inspire debate, not to create facial portraits with 100% accuracy with genetic markers, it must be said that the results resemble fortune-telling rather than science at this time of writing.

We made two SNPs files using the (im)possible baby simulator. We named the first generated file data as Mameko (which is a girl's name meaning "little bean" in Japan) and named the second generated file data as Powako(also a girl's name). This chapter shows how we visualized them. SNPedia and several online articles were the essential tools for constructing the facial portraits of the couple’s hypothetical daughters. Difficulties arose due to the fact that current genotype research is still fairly nascent. Since the project’s purpose is to inspire debate, not to create facial portraits with 100% accuracy with genetic markers, it must be said that the results resemble fortune-telling rather than science at this time of writing.
We made two SNPs files using the (im)possible baby simulator. We named the first generated file data as Mameko (which is a girl's name meaning "little bean" in Japan) and named the second generated file data as Powako(also a girl's name). This chapter shows how we visualized them. SNPedia and several online articles were the essential tools for constructing the facial portraits of the couple’s hypothetical daughters. Difficulties arose due to the fact that current genotype research is still fairly nascent. Since the project’s purpose is to inspire debate, not to create facial portraits with 100% accuracy with genetic markers, it must be said that the results resemble fortune-telling rather than science at this time of writing.

In the photo, there are few hints that reveal the related SNPs ID, genotype, magnitude and short descriptions of these daughters.
This breakfast scene shows Mameko sniffing a coriander leaf and making a disgusted expression. She has the genotype "rs72921001 (C;C),” which means that she is more likely to think that coriander tastes like soap. Powako is eating an asparagus and looking at the camera with eyes full of mischief. She has the genotype "rs4481887 (A;G),” which means she is more likely to be able to smell asparagus metabolites in her urine. She is looking forward to smelling it soon at the toilet. Asako told us she is also able to smell it in her own urine.
In the photo, there are few hints that reveal the related SNPs ID, genotype, magnitude and short descriptions of these daughters.
This breakfast scene shows Mameko sniffing a coriander leaf and making a disgusted expression. She has the genotype "rs72921001 (C;C),” which means that she is more likely to think that coriander tastes like soap. Powako is eating an asparagus and looking at the camera with eyes full of mischief. She has the genotype "rs4481887 (A;G),” which means she is more likely to be able to smell asparagus metabolites in her urine. She is looking forward to smelling it soon at the toilet. Asako told us she is also able to smell it in her own urine.

This page shows physicality-related genotypes, such as muscle type, height, obesity and breast size.
This page shows physicality-related genotypes, such as muscle type, height, obesity and breast size.

娘たち10歳の誕生日。上には彼女達の性格や能力に関するといわれているSNPs 情報がそれぞれ書かれている。

2015年8月の受胎告知。The annunciation 2015 現在の技術では遺伝情報を取得する時のエラーや、解釈について未だ研究途上等の理由から占い程度と言われているものもある。しかし研究は日進月歩で進んでいるのも事実であり、これから精度も上がって行き「占い」の域を出る日も来るだろう。SNPsの解釈はSNPediaのデータベースを根拠に、それらを統合した情報、明確ではない部分やSNPs情報がなかった残りの部分は制作者の創作によって出来ている事を明言しておく。

簡易版シミュレーター(β版) http://aihasegawa.info/impossiblebaby/twoparents.html
We developed a program which speculates your possible baby by uploading each parent's 23andMe .txt file.
This application uses data from SNPedia, matching your baby with the most interesting genotypes of magnitude 2 and above. The application does not hold or store the user’s personal data or results in any way. When uploading, the user must wait for a few minutes while the app processes their results.
We developed a program which speculates your possible baby by uploading each parent's 23andMe .txt file.
This application uses data from SNPedia, matching your baby with the most interesting genotypes of magnitude 2 and above. The application does not hold or store the user’s personal data or results in any way. When uploading, the user must wait for a few minutes while the app processes their results.

NHK総合テレビ NEXT 未来のために : 10月21日木 午前0時10分~午前0時40分(水曜深夜)
「会えるはずなかった 私の子どもへ」
To achieve more public outreach, I worked with the Japanese national television station NHK to create a 30-minute documentary film which documented the whole process of analyzing the DNA and designing the photo album.The film also included our interviews of scientists and the married lesbian couple about their views on bioethics.
Here the documentary film
NHK Eテレ ハートネットTV <ブレイクスルー>
File.39 会えるはずなかった 私の子どもへ
2015年10月5日(月曜)20:00- 2015年10月12日(月曜)13:05-
続きはこのサイトで https://sheishere.jp/voice/201711-asakomakimura/

Special Thanks
Asako Makimura & Moriga
Production Adviser
Sputniko! (MIT Media Lab, Design Fiction Group)
Yuki Saito (NHK)
Scientific Advice
Dr.Ryosuke Kimura
Dr.Yoshimi Yashiro
Technical Adviser
Dr.Johan Nystrom
CG, Visual Production
Digital Frontier Inc.
Web Developer
Jacquelyn L Liu
Dygoro Sasaki
Rieko Igarashi
Anna Sadamori
Yena Park
Andrew Saito
Logo Design
Katsuto Tamagawa
Reference Materials (Aug 2015)
Genetic determination of human facial morphology: links between cleft-lips and normal variation
Detecting Genetic Association of Common Human Facial Morphological Variation Using High Density 3D Image Registration
A Common Variation in EDAR Is a Genetic Determinant of Shovel-Shaped Incisors
Effects of an Asian-specific nonsynonymous EDAR variant on multiple dental traits